Brækhus Doubles the size of its Construction Team
For some time, the Construction team at Brækhus has been impacted by a shortage in capacity. As Ninja Roede and Petter Sverstad Eriksen joins Brækhus as partners, the firm’s construction capacity at partner level doubles in size.
– We are pleased to have Ninja and Petter join our team. They will contribute to our already established expertise within construction. Our capacity to meet an increasing workload from our clients is now enhanced, says Lars-Henrik Winsnes Berg, Head of the Construction team at Brækhus.
Both Ninja and Petter come from partner positions at Codex law firm, and both have worked with contract law for over 20 years.
– I look forward to becoming part of Brækhus. The fact that the Construction team and the Real Estate team work closely together is an obvious advantage for our clients. Close interdisciplinary collaboration ensures a holistic perspective, says Ninja Roede.

The Construction team at Brækhus consists of commercially strong partners with extensive experience and industry knowledge. In addition to assisting Norwegian contractors, the team works with large global contractors.
– Foreign contractors account for many large development projects in Norway in the coming years. This, combined with the portfolio that Ninja and Petter bring, means an increased workload for us. There is no doubt that we need to further expand our team and recruit both lawyers and associates, Lars-Henrik adds.
The transition of Ninja and Petter to Brækhus is one of many new developments from the company. Over the past year, Brækhus has, built a new executive team that will reform the company. Differentiation and innovation are important components for Brækhus, as the company aims to create the law firm of tomorrow.
– The journey Brækhus is on inspires me. I think the company has executed many wise and innovative strategies lately. For example, the implementation of The People First strategy, which gives all employees ownership. But also, the focus on forward-oriented areas such as new technology, real estate transactions, disputes, employment law, Family Office, and the focus on the international market, says Petter Sverstad Eriksen.